Who is this game for?
RELATIONSHIPS - for couples or people in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if it’s only your first date or if you’ve been together for 20 years already.
INTIMATELY - for couples, married or not, who already have sexual relations or they plan to have it in the nearest future.
FRIENDS - for friends and acquaintances, or people who have just met, e.g. at a house-warming party.
FAMILY - questions and tasks for the whole family, for people from 5 to 105 years old, kids, parents, uncles and grandparents.
Are the questions repeated through the different versions of the game?
In 95% the questions differ totally.
Are you planning to create this game in other languages as well?
Yes, we’ve been already working on them and they will be soon available on Amazon - the games in English, German, French and Dutch.
Do you have shipments abroad in your offer?
Yes, we can ship our products to most of the EU countries. Once your shopping cart is ready, you can pick the country you want and check the cost of the shipment. Soon we will have our products on sale on Amazon as well.
Can I choose a different way of playing this game from the one explained in the instructions?
Yes, of course! This game was designed for you and you are the only one deciding how you want to play it. The instruction is only a suggestion.
Can this game be offered as a gift?
Yes, definitely! Both cards and the packaging are of high quality and they would be perfect for a gift (for wedding, birthday, Saint Valentine’s Day, Christmas etc.)
Who created the game?
The game was designed by the Talk2Me team together with a group of psychologists. It was actually quite a bunch of people who worked on all the versions of the game for 8 months. We hope it will give you a lot of fun and strengthen your relations as well.
Can you give examples of questions in the game RELATIONSHIPS?
- It’s your birthday and you can make one dream come true. What would it be and what emotions would its fulfillment evoke?
- How do you imagine our relationship in 10 years? Describe it in a few sentences.
- Task for 2: Write down the first three associations that come to your mind when you think about your relationship. Show the list to your partner and say why you chose those particular ones.
- What part of my body do you like most and why?
Can you give examples of questions in the game INTIMATELY?
- Which of the places where we’ve already had sex do you find the most interesting/exciting? Why?
- How do you rate the attractiveness of a newly met person? What draws your attention the most?
- Describe a perfect date.
- What is the determinant of a successful sex for you?
Can you give examples of questions in the game FRIENDS?
What was the best gift you’ve ever received? Why?
What event or thing have you recently enjoyed most?
Imagine that you become a dictator. Which law would you pass first? Why?
Have you ever done something forbidden and got caught in the act?
Can you give examples of questions and tasks in the game FAMILY?
How do you imagine the family vacation of your dreams? What would you like to do?
Imagine the Saturday of your dreams. What would it look like and what would you do?
Let each of the participants tell you what they like you for or what they admire about you.
Each player tells one association or memory related to the player who drew this card.
Are the questions divided into some kind of categories?
Yes, the questions can be of different categories. Depending on the version of the game, those can be: open or intimate questions, tasks to be fulfilled in a couple or in a group, and also some questions about the emotions.
Where can I find some more opinions about you and your products?
You can find them here for example: on our Instagram HERE
How much time do I have to return the purchased game?
We are sure about our product and its high-quality content and visual design. We produce our games in Poland, using the top quality materials. That is why you have up to 30 days for the return.

We always reply within 24 hours.
GOOD VIBES ONLY sp z o.o., Al. Jerozolimskie 85 lok. 21, 02-001 Warszawa, NIP: 5252859210 (nie realizujemy odbiorów osobistych)
Polish account number: 78 1140 2004 0000 3702 8117 7560
Returns: Masterlogis (rozmawiaj.MY), Rzemieślnicza 8, 55-010 Zębice
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